
Scholarship Fund Honors Memory of Edwin Kimmel

A scholarship fund to assist young persons in pursuit of careers in the building trades has been established in memory of Edwin C. Kimmel, president of the Northern California division of Lewis Homes until his death in October.

He was a brother of Goldy Lewis who, with her husband Ralph M. Lewis, founded the Lewis Homes development and building firm. Early in his career Kimmel was president of both the Baldy View and Riverside-San Bernardino chapters of the Building Industry Assn. of Southern California.

He was elected president in 1981 of the Building Industry Assn. of Superior California and at the time of his death was chairman of its Political Action Committee and director of its Sales and Marketing Council.


Contributions to the Edwin C. Kimmel Scholarship Fund may be made in care of the California Building Industry Foundation, 1107 9th St., Suite 1060, Sacramento 95814
