
Laine ‘in Good Condition,’ Getting Hundreds of Calls

Times Staff Writer

Singer Frankie Laine continues to improve following surgery, and hospital officials said Wednesday that the crooner has received “hundreds and hundreds of calls” from well-wishers nationwide.

“He is listed in good condition,” said Mercy Hospital spokesman Norman Greene. “There have been no major complications, and he’s doing quite well.”

Laine is taking daily walks in the hallways and in his room as part of his physical therapy. He will probably leave the hospital by week’s end, but Greene said the exact date was still uncertain.


Laine, who was hospitalized Jan. 23 after suffering chest pains, underwent quadruple arterial heart bypass surgery Friday, Greene said. The illness forced the 71-year-old singer to cancel performances in Edmonton, Canada, and Concord, Calif., last weekend.

Laine was listed in good spirits and was receiving visits from family members. Greene said Laine was “receiving a load of cards, flowers and calls from all over the country.”

“There really have been a great number of calls,” Green said. “They have kept our switchboard very busy.”


A woman called Saturday at 5:15 a.m. from Springfield, Mass., Greene said. She was positive that Laine would know her because “she had every record he’d ever recorded.”

Laine received another call from a woman in Maine who wanted Greene to connect her to Laine’s room. When Greene suggested she call later to find out the singer’s condition, the woman said she couldn’t because she was on welfare. The call was her “one alloted luxury for the month,” Greene said.

Radio New Zealand called Wednesday afternoon “to tape an interview for all his many fans in New Zealand,” Greene said. The singer also received a call from Alaska.


Laine became a star in 1947 after recording “That’s My Desire,” which sold more than a million copies. He later recorded at least 20 other million-selling records, including “I Believe,” “Mule Train” and “Rawhide.”

Laine lives in Point Loma with his wife, former actress Nan Grey.
