
COMMENCEMENT 1985 : Claremont McKenna College

Claremont McKenna College, with more prestigious graduate scholarships per capita than any other graduating class in the nation, held its commencement exercises at 2 Sunday in Badgley Garden on the campus.vl,3

Degrees: 180 diplomas awarded.

Speakers: Peter V. Ueberroth, commissioner of baseball and former chairman of the Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee, spoke about the need to take risks. “Don’t be afraid to be positive about something you believe in,” he said. “You have to remember that virtually every politician and the population of Southern California said the Olympic Games couldn’t be done. But 72,000 people did it. I didn’t do it. Seventy-two thousand people had enough courage, had enough belief to say they could darn well do it.”

Honorary Degrees:

Ueberroth, doctor of laws: “You served as a volunteer, managing a plethora of difficulties and setbacks that seriously threatened to undermine the success of the Olympic Games and the prestige of the United States of America. . . . Your achievements ensured the credibility of the Olympic movement and demonstrated the vitality of American entrepreneurship.”


Other Graduations:

Pomona College’s 92nd annual commencement exercises were held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday in Bridges Auditorium. Michael H. Armacost, undersecretary of state for political affairs, spoke to 350 candidates for bachelor of arts degrees. Honorary doctor of laws degrees were awarded to Armacost and H. Russell Smith, chairman of the board of Avery International and chairman of the Pomona College board of trustees.

Benjamin C. Bradlee, executive editor of The Washington Post, spoke Sunday at Scripps College’s 55th annual graduation exercises. Degrees were awarded to 109 students. The independent, liberal arts school for women held its ceremony at 3 p.m.

Harvey Mudd College held its 27th annual graduation ceremonies at 4 p.m. Sunday on the Braun Liquid Ambar Mall. Michael G. Wilson, executive producer and co-writer of James Bond films, spoke. Awarded were 104 bachelor of science degrees and 12 master of engineering degrees.


Pitzer College’s 21st annual commencement was held at 1 p.m. Sunday on the Pellissier Mall. Sandra Scarr, chairwoman of the department of psychology at the University of Virginia, addressed 134 candidates for bachelor of arts degrees.
