
A Few of the Symptoms of ‘Liberal Fever’

I was quite interested by the letter from Lyle and Evelyn Davidson (May 11), “A Few of the Symptoms of Conservative Fever.” As a companion piece, I suggest the following, “A Few of the Symptoms of Liberal Fever”:

--If you demonstrate against the death penalty for convicted murderers one day and the next day do volunteer work at an abortion clinic, you are on your way to being a liberal.

--If you protest that liberal feminist Congresswoman Geraldine Ferraro was unfairly treated for breaking a few “technical” campaign laws but think that conservative Congressman George Hansen of Idaho “got what he had coming” for violating the same campaign financing laws, you are on your way toward that left-of-center bent.


--If you claim that the Soviet invasions of Afghanistan, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, East Germany, etc., are nothing more than acts of self-defense by a peaceful country, and in the same breath condemn the United States for its “barbarous” actions in Grenada, you are getting closer.

--If you believe that we should not object to the provision of Soviet and Cuban arms and training to terrorists in El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, the Mideast, etc., as none of our business, and then write your congressman to oppose the supplying of food and medical supplies to the governments they are trying to overthrow, you are almost there.

Finally, if you support the position that the United States should provide economic and even military support to every brutal, repressive, Soviet puppet government around the world, in the name of peace, while demanding a stop of any aid to democratic and non-democratic governments who are pro-Western, you have made it.


I could go on and on about the various other symptoms that could be present, but I believe that the above is a fair listing. I hope you will note that the common factor in all of them is hypocrisy.


