
Stouffer Hotel Near Airport Topped Out

The $83-million, 750-room Stouffer Concourse Hotel at Los Angeles International Airport, the first Stouffer property in California, has been topped out and is scheduled to open in mid-1986.

The 12-story project on the south side of Century Boulevard, between Aviation and La Cienega boulevards, is being developed jointly by Stouffer Hotel Co., Solon, Ohio, and Watt High-Rise Inc., Santa Monica. Covered parking will be provided for 1,100 cars.

Gin Wong Associates, Los Angeles, is the architect and Turner Construction Co., Los Angeles, is the general contractor.


Stouffer is also developing a 550-room luxury resort in Indian Wells, near Palm Springs, with a scheduled opening of fall, 1987. The chain also has targeted San Diego and San Francisco as sites for hotels.

Stouffer operates 22 hotels and resorts, and expects to have 50 by the end of the decade.
