
AIDS Victim Found to Not Pose a Threat, May Return to Class

Associated Press

A county medical officer examined 14-year-old AIDS victim Ryan White on Thursday and certified that he can return to school without posing a health threat to his classmates or teachers.

The Western School Corp., which has barred the youth from attending class, does not plan to appeal the ruling, said board president Daniel Carter.

Ryan, who contracted acquired immune deficiency syndrome through contaminated blood products taken for his hemophilia, was examined by Dr. Alan J. Adler, the Howard County health officer, for 40 minutes Thursday morning.


Adler said his examination indicated Ryan posed no health threat to his classmates and teachers.

“I do not propose to be an expert on AIDS,” the doctor said later. “However, I’ve reviewed as much literature as I could. It is my opinion that his attendance in school in a normal manner will not pose a threat.”

The state Board of Special Education Appeals ruled last week that Ryan should be allowed to attend school, provided Adler gave his approval.


Pleased About Decision

Charles Vaughan, the attorney for the White family, said he was “very pleased with the decision. I feel that Ryan will be back in the classroom soon. I feel like the long battle is over.”

Jeanne White, Ryan’s mother, said the examination was “just your normal exam, but he (Adler) looked more into how Ryan was emotionally and how it would be for him to go back to school.”

“I think we have to respect his decision,” she said. But she indicated that if Adler had ruled against a return to school she would have continued her fight in federal court.


Ryan was banned from attending Western Middle School after his AIDS was diagnosed in December, 1984. Since September, a special telephone hookup has allowed him to listen in on his classes.

Adler said he asked that Ryan wait for about a week before returning to class because of current flu problems in the school. However, Ryan “has the full right to attend tomorrow” with the permit Adler issued, he said.
