
Bass Surge Seen in Spawning Areas

Bass fishermen at several Southland reservoirs reported signs of big bass moving into shallow spawning areas this week. Spokesmen at Lakes Cachuma, Piru, Isabella, Otay and Vail all reported surges in catches of big bass before rough weather began.

WILLOW BEACH--Generally slow fishing but some boat fishermen report success drifting with standard baits between 55- and 58-mile markers.

LAKE MEAD--Slow, all species.

BULLHEAD CITY--Slow, all species.

SALTON SEA--Good corvina fishing continues at Red Hill, Corvina Beach areas. Catches of smaller corvina reported at Bombay Beach. Good for tilapia.


LAKE CACHUMA--Good trout fishing from boats with standard baits, behind island. Several bass from four to eight pounds reported caught in shallows last weekend.

LAKE CASITAS--Slow fishing.

LAKE PIRU--Improved bass fishing, with several in five- to six-pound class caught this week. Good catfish results, north end, with cut mackerel. Good trolling, still-fishing for trout.

CASTAIC LAKE--Don Murphey, Chatsworth, 13-pound 6-ounce largemouth bass; Butch Brown, Canyon Country, 10-8 bass, both caught in lower lake. Bass improved. Good trout results near dam.


LAKE ISABELLA--Good night fishing results for catfish. Big bass reported this week in shallows. Best trout areas: dam, Kissick Cove, Launch Area 9.

SAN DIEGO LAKES--Otay: Relatively slow last weekend, but Wednesday fishermen averaged better than one bass a rod. Jeff Nein, San Diego, 10-10 bass on crawdad, Otay Arm. Brett Jensen, Chula Vista, 11-2 bass with crawdad. Mike Duran, National City, 11-0 bass. Says San Diego city lakes director Jim Brown: “Otay is the best bass lake in Southern California right now.” San Vicente: Fair for bass, other species slow. Miramar: Trout fair to good. Sutherland: Postponement of today’s opening expected because of rain damage.

IRVINE LAKE--Good trout fishing all week, limits reported. Best shore fishing area: Both sides of boat dock.


LAKE IRWINDALE--Good trout fishing.

VAIL LAKE--Bass best bet, limits reported. Ron Stancyk, Claremont, 13-6 bass with nightcrawler.

BISHOP AREA--Fair results on rainbow trout in Lower Owens River with standard baits. River running high, fast. Some brown trout caught with worms, crickets. Pleasant Valley Reservoir fair for pan-sized rainbows, browns.


The Other Party, a San Diego-based sportfishing firm, will begin three-day, long-range fishing trips March 7 to San Martin Island from Ensenada, Mexico, on the 68-foot Royal Pacifico.

Fishermen will be bused from San Diego to Ensenada to board the Royal Pacifico and will be returned to San Diego by bus. Cost of the trip is $375.

San Martin Island is 125 miles south of Ensenada.

Trout Plants

A list of waters scheduled to be planted by the Department of Fish and Game, weather and road conditions permitting, by counties:

LOS ANGELES--Big Rock Creek, Upper and Lower Castaic Lake, Elizabeth Lake, Puddingstone Lake, Pyramid Lake.


ORANGE--Laguna Niguel Park Lake.

SANTA BARBARA--Santa Ynez River.

RIVERSIDE--Evans Lake, Hemet Lake.

SAN BERNARDINO--Silverwood Lake.

VENTURA--Piru Lake, Reyes Creek, Rose Valley Lakes, Santa Paula Creek, Upper Sespe Creek.
