
Rems Seated as Engineers Chapter Leader

Jacob F. Rems, president of J.F. Rems Associates, Tustin, has been installed as 1986 president of the Orange County chapter of the California Council of Civil Engineers & Land Surveyors.

Other officers are Kevin McHugh, Jack G. Raub Co., Mission Viejo, president-elect; Dick Hunsaker, Hunsaker & Associates Inc., Irvine, treasurer; Pat Kapp, J.P. Kapp & Associates Inc., secretary, and George Kerns, Salkin Engineering Corp., Orange, past president.

New board members are Gerald Baril, Bob Bein, Amador Gonzalez Jr., Doug Incledon, Ed Van Dell and Dave Walden.


Continuing board members are Sam Peterson, John Roberts, Keith Robertson, George Shambeck, Larry Wlezien and Cal Woolsey.
