
Getting There

Driving around Los Angeles International Airport has certainly become much easier since the upper roadway was added, but the airport authorities still assume that all drivers know the number of the terminal they are going to.

This is not always the case, even though the airline-terminal match ups are broadcast on the airport radio station. Almost everybody at the airport knows which airline he wants, but more than a few don’t know which terminal that airline is in.

When that happens, drivers must drive very slowly near the curb and try to read the little signs that hang down from the overhang identifying each airline. This is dangerous, and it adds to congestion. It is also a pain in the neck.


Why don’t the airport authorities erect large signs on the approach roads to LAX (Century and Sepulveda Boulevards, let’s say) telling motorists which airlines are in which terminals? That way, by the time you get inside the airport, you’ll know where you’re going.
