
The House : 1987 Budget

The House passed the fiscal 1987 budget resolution, 245 to 179, and sent it to conference with the Senate.

Written by the Democratic majority, the plan (H Con Res 337) calls for spending of $994.3 billion, defense outlays of $285 billion, $13.2 billion in new revenue and a projected annual deficit of $137.5 billion.

In conference, it will confront the budget plan approved by the Republican-controlled Senate, which sets military spending at the higher level of $301 billion, and looks to a higher annual deficit, $144 billion. The House and Senate proposals would increase revenue (largely through unspecified tax increases) by about the same amount, although the House specifies that $4.7 billion of its new revenues could be used only to reduce the deficit.


Both House and Senate budgets are on a collision course with President Reagan’s proposed 1987 budget, which calls for defense spending of $320 billion, sharper cuts in domestic spending, and lower tax increases.

How They Voted Yea Nay No vote Rep. Moorhead (R) x Rep. Roybal (D) x Rep. Waxman (D) x
