
State Film to Promote Chastity

I applaud the Office of Family Planning in the Deukmejian Administration for spending $35,000 on a video tape urging abstinence for teen-agers. It happens that parents, educators, and yes, teen-agers themselves recognize the wisdom and dignity of reserving intercourse until marriage. Such attitudes deserve support!

Emotionally healthy young people when presented with reasons for saying “No” will generally internalize these reasons and refer to them when occasions for premarital physical intimacy arise in their lives.

Saying “No” to drugs and saying “No” to alcohol are worthwhile programs nationwide. Saying “No” to premarital sex is an attitude missing from almost all sex education programs even though it reflects attitudes in line with traditional Judeo-Christian, as well as American notions, of marriage home, and family.



South Pasadena
