
North County : Vest Calls Off Recount of 39th District Ballots

The Democratic challenger in the 39th Congressional District called off his recount bid Tuesday morning after just one day of a manual recount of ballots.

David D. Vest lost the Nov. 4 election to incumbent Rep. William E. Dannemeyer (R-Fullerton) by a 3-1 margin, or more than 89,000 votes.

Monday’s recount of 12 out of 635 total precincts in the Fullerton-based district yielded one additional vote for Vest. But Dannemeyer also picked up a vote in the hand tally.


“It’s no surprise,” said Duane Crumb, Dannemeyer’s press secretary. “The whole idea of doing a recount didn’t have much merit . . . didn’t make any sense in the first place.”

A group of Vest’s supporters--who had doubted Dannemeyer’s wide margin of victory in Villa Park and part of Anaheim--paid $250 for the single day of recounting.
