
Three Cheers for Free Enterprise

It appears that every time the Glendale City Council meets, it violates the rights of the citizens. This time I refer to your article, “Vendor Says He’ll Stand--and Fight” (Nov. 27).

Three cheers for Pablo Torres! He is just a hard-working man who wants to earn an honest living. I can’t understand why Glendale officials are fining him and threatening him with imprisonment.

I have worked in the Glendale Federal Building for 2 1/2 years and always see Pablo’s catering truck nearby. He is not hurting anyone by parking his truck on North Maryland Avenue. On the contrary, he provides a valuable service to meet the demand for convenient, inexpensive food by local office workers.


His customers want him to stay; that’s why 150 people, including myself, signed the petition, which was ignored by the Glendale City Council. The council members sit in their Ivory Tower and thwart the principle of free enterprise so often that I suggest that the city’s slogan be changed from “Jewel of the Verdugos” to “Moscow by the Mountain.”

Come on, council members Bremberg, Milner and Zarian, vote with your pro-freedom colleagues Day and Raggio to repeal this silly, intrusive ordinance. Let the catering trucks stay--so consumers can have a free choice.

TED BROWN, Los Angeles
