

The National Council on Alcoholism of the San Fernando Valley (NCA / SFV) held its annual Volunteers Awards banquet last month. This year’s recipients for outstanding contributions to the prevention and treatment of alcoholism were: Gary Bernard of Dataproducts, Bill Nathan of Vista Recovery Center, Judy Kaufman of the Alcoholics Anonymous Central Office, Matt Tracey of the NCA / SFV and David Nisall with the NCA / SFV board of directors.

Gerald S. Weisstein, president and chief executive officer of the Bank of Los Angeles, has received the 1986 Goodfellow Award from the Boys and Girls Club of the San Fernando Valley. Weisstein, a Sherman Oaks resident, was honored for his contributions to the community and the center, an organization for disadvantaged youths. Involved in banking for 21 years, Weisstein is the immediate past chairman of the board of Los Angeles West Chamber of Commerce. He has served on the President’s Leadership Committee of the Jewish Federation Council and is active in the Jewish Welfare Fund.
