
Senior Laments Clifton’s Closure

The closing of Clifton’s restaurant in Century City should come as no surprise in this age of the almighty buck. All the Brown Derbies are gone, so is Ship’s on Wilshire Boulevard, and many others too numerous to name, all making way for tenants who can pay much more rent. The buildings that replace them may be taller but not necessarily better nor a credit to a society that benefits little because of them.

Clifton’s closing is a “big disturbance” to more than our senior citizens. It is a disturbance to the American way of life when structures that become landmarks are destroyed and replaced by structures that destroy the appetite for the purpose of fattening someone’s purse and little else.

As a senior citizen, my wife and I always enjoyed not only the good food but also seeing the happy, contented faces of many older people who were being well-nourished at prices they could afford. Without restaurants like Clifton’s, in addition to Medicare, we may soon see the need for Fedcare. Who cares? The private sector rather than the government, I hope.



Beverly Hills
