
No Popcorn for Skeptic

As I read the predictions for the 1990s by Faith Popcorn (“Life Style in the ‘90s According to Popcorn” by Elizabeth Mehren, Jan. 16), I recalled a day in history class in 1976. Our professor read an article from the Wall Street Journal offering predictions of think-tank seers for the year 1986. Included were: the shah of Iran would be dictating Middle East policy for both the United States and U.S.S.R., we’d be paying $3 per gallon for gasoline, Cadillacs would be averaging 40 miles per gallon, the U.S. President would be under 55 years old, the divorce rate would be half of what it was in 1975, and venereal disease would be a thing of the past. Their only correct guess was regarding the rise of automatic bank tellers.

A horse-race fan once told me that any tout sheet and 50 cents will buy a good cup of coffee. Perhaps, one could say it might also buy a good bag of popcorn.


Los Angeles
