
New York to Restrict Bicyclists in Midtown

United Press International

Mayor Edward I. Koch unveiled a plan Wednesday to ban bicyclists from major avenues in midtown Manhattan.

The ban, quickly denounced by messenger services and recreational bicyclists, takes effect Aug. 24, barring cyclists from 5th, Madison and Park avenues between 31st and 59th streets from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays. The plan would not apply to side streets in the area.

Cyclists who violate the ban would be subject to fines similar to those imposed for traffic offenses, but details have yet to be worked out, officials said.


“Many of these bicyclists are messengers, who are paid by the number of deliveries they make,” Koch said. “This business arrangement greatly encourages the speeding and dangerous riding habits which threaten the safety of any New Yorker who is not blessed with eyes in the back of his head.”
