
Tuesday Night Live! : Downtown Burbank Goes Prime Time

Times Staff Writer

Starting Tuesday, prime time in the city of Burbank starts at 7 p.m.

That’s the time the Burbank City Council will be coming into the living rooms of thousands of that city’s residents every Tuesday night.

The Sammons Communications cable system will begin live gavel-to-gavel coverage of council meetings on its C-SPAN station, Channel 35. The new audio and video technology in the council chamber will also allow for broadcasting of town hall meetings and other city events.

The broadcast will be part of an emphasis on media coverage instituted by Larry Johnson, public information officer. About $129,000 in cameras and audio equipment was purchased for the broadcasts, which will be available to more than 18,000 households. About 45 cities in California broadcast their meetings, Johnson said.


Service to Viewers

Mayor Michael R. Hastings said the broadcasts will be a service to viewers. “People will be able to see as much city government as they want to see,” Hastings said. “More people will get involved, and they will know the facts and situations surrounding what’s happening here.”

Hastings also does not think the broadcasts will cut into attendence at council meetings. “We’ll always have our faithful watchers there,” he said.

He noted that council meetings have been shown on monitors within the council chamber for many years, “so we’re used to being on camera.”


Even Vice Mayor Al F. Dossin, who at first frowned on the idea of being a television personality, said he feels the broadcasts will be helpful. “It’s fine for the public, and I won’t even feel self-conscious,” Dossin said.
