
In Week Two, Average Attendance Increases From 16,987 to 25,042

From Times Wire Services

Despite rain in six cities and heckling pickets in others, attendance at National Football League strike-replacement games Sunday was considerably higher than the previous week.

Sunday’s total was 325,545 fans at the 13 games, up from 220,788. The average rose to 25,042 from 16,987.

Last Sunday, only 1 of 13 games drew of crowd of more than 30,000. This week, six did.

Last Sunday, attendance reached only 26% of capacity. This week, it was 38%.

The union had some consolation, though.

In Atlanta, attendance dropped from 16,667 last week to 8,684 this week. In Foxboro, Mass., the Patriots went from a record Sullivan Stadium low of 14,830 last week to an all-time franchise low of 11,878 this week.


Meanwhile, picketing was off somewhat and without violence.

In Green Bay, Wis., where 35,779 attended the Packers’ game against Detroit, striking players, joined by members of local unions, picketed, passed out leaflets and heckled fans.

“Watch some real football,” yelled one picketer. A fan replied: “I didn’t see any played before.”

In Tampa, Fla., two University of South Florida students tore up their tickets in support of the striking players. The students said they planned to attend the game, but changed their minds after seeing the pickets.
