
Social Security

This letter is in response to the column written by Ernest B. Furgurson entitled, “The Crash of ’87 Highlights Social Security’s Soundness” (Op-Ed Page, Nov. 2).

I, for one, am a young American who is unhappy with the Social Security system as it currently stands. I consider it absurd that I am currently required to allow the government to control my future financial security by operating what is in essence my pension fund. I consider it an insult to my intelligence for the government to assume I am incapable of managing my own personal finances and unable to plan for my own financial future.

As for Republican Pete du Pont, I fully support most of his progressive ideas and consider him to be a qualified candidate for the presidency. I am especially encouraged by his views regarding agriculture. Most of the family farmers would be delighted if government withdrew its subsidies for agriculture. Contrary to popular belief, government programs have never solved the problems of American agriculture and they probably never will.



San Luis Obispo
