
‘High Price of Health’

Preventive health care is the greatest economy in reducing human suffering and health-care costs. Canada provides universal health coverage for all its people, costing only 8.5% of its gross national product, while the United States already pays 11% of its gross national product for its inadequate and unbalanced health-care systems.

Now AB 2020, the California Health Insurance Program, provides the opportunity to fund early detection and treatment for all Californians through a combination of private health insurance, personal payments, and government contributions, depending on financial status and need.

It is co-sponsored by 14 California Assembly members, by the California Senior Legislature, and 50 religious groups, health-facility organizations and others. AB 2020 will authorize comprehensive health-care benefits for Californians, including physician and nursing services, preventive care, prescriptions, long-term medical and non-medical care and other coverage.


Fifteen states have already created insurance pools to cover high-risk individuals who have no other health protection. With enough citizen interest, California will adopt AB 2020, preserving our health as well as our funds.


Laguna Hills
