
Let’s Open the Mail Bag and Take the Rubber Band Off Stack of ’87 : From Mouths of Babes

EDITOR’S NOTE: These letters represent many of the best received by The Times in 1987, and reflect the leading issues and events discussed in Viewpoint during that period.

Once again that chimera that will not die, that hideous beast that will not go away, has dragged it repulsive body into the Detroit Piston locker room. I am speaking, of course, of racism.

Dennis Rodman and Isiah Thomas say eight-time All-Pro and three-time MVP Larry Bird is overrated and receives all of his accolades only because of the color of his skin. I can dismiss Rodman’s remarks as the peevish outburst of a feckless youth. Thomas should know better. It is perhaps a shame that Thomas quit Indiana University after his sophomore year. The kid still has a lot to learn.



Santa Monica
