
The State - News from Jan. 4, 1988

A former San Francisco policewoman, who alleged that she was sexually harassed by her colleagues after exposing a police sex scandal, has settled her suit against the city for $800,000. The settlement--$275,000 in cash and a guaranteed half salary for life--is expected to receive final approval next month from the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. “This is an excellent settlement that sends a message loud and clear to the city of San Francisco and all departments that sexual harassment will not be tolerated,” said Judith Kurtz, the attorney representing Louette Colombano. In 1984, Colombano, 38, a nine-year police veteran, helped stop a prostitute from performing oral sex on a handcuffed police rookie during a raucous party attended by police officers at a restaurant. She reported the incident to superiors and a local newspaper and, eventually, five officers were fired and two suspended. After the incident, her lawsuit alleged, one officer exposed himself to her, others grabbed her breasts and her patrol car was vandalized.
