

A recent survey of riders on Rapid Transit District buses found:

Age: 64% of the riders are 15-34 years of age.

Income: 61% earn less than $15,000 per year.

Ethnicity: 50.4% Latino; 20.8% black; 19.5% white; 7.9% Asian; 1.4% other.

Car ownership: 22% have no car in their household; 41% have one car; 24% have two cars.

Car availability: 72% said they could not have used a car to make the trip; 9% said they could have driven, but chose the bus; and 10% said they could have gotten a ride in a car with someone else driving.

Destination: 44% work; 18% school; 12% shopping; 5% medical.

Some figures do not total 100% because some riders gave no response.

Source: Rapid Transit District
