
San Diego

The Metropolitan Transit Development Board on Thursday approved an agreement accepting $10 million from the San Diego Unified Port District for construction of the $40-million Bayside Trolley Line.

The pact between the two agencies calls for the port district to give the MTDB $2.5 million payments on March 1, 1988; Sept. 1, 1988; March 1, 1989; and Sept. 1, 1989. The 1.6-mile Bayside line, scheduled to open by late 1989, will run along San Diego’s waterfront from the Santa Fe Depot to the Imperial Avenue station at 12th and Imperial avenues.

Port District commissioners approved the $10-million payment in November, despite a report from their staff members estimating that the district’s gain from the Bayside line will be closer to $6.3 million. The MTDB had estimated the port’s gain to be between $11 million and $14 million.
