
Viewpoint / Letters : No More Commercials in Future; Olympics Belong to the People

Once again, we are witnessing the travesty that ABC terms “Olympic coverage.”

These near-sacred events are prostituted by the network to the point that viewing is painful. The introduction to each evening consists of one-half hour of pap to permit strike-while-the-getting-is-good commercials. We are then titillated with promises of what is to come by less than astute analysts. Finally, we have a moment of action, yet again interrupted by messages. Two goals in a U.S. hockey game were missed because of commercials.

I realize that costs for the rights to televise these events are astronomical, but if this continues, Olympic coverage will consist of all commercials and no action.

We must find a way to cover Olympics as they do in Europe--full time and without commercials. We deserve no less. Return the Olympics to the people.



Mission Viejo

Editor’s note: Viewpoint and TV-Radio columnist Larry Stewart have received more than 50 letters, an unusual outpouring, on ABC’s Olympic coverage. Not one of the letters was complimentary regarding the network’s coverage.
