
In answer to Ellen Carson’s note on...

Times Travel Editor

In answer to Ellen Carson’s note on “wilderness cabins” in Yosemite, we hear good reports about a group of privately owned homes/cabins just a few miles inside the south entrance to Yosemite. Boundaries are Chilnualna Creek and the south fork of the Merced River. Good fishing, swimming. Lots of wildlife (deer, bear, raccoon, coyotes). Only 17 miles to Badger Pass/Glacier Point. These accommodations range from one-bedroom cabins to four-bedroom homes. Fully furnished. You need only take groceries. Rates range from $55 daily (cabins) to $193 for a deluxe four-bedroom home. Among four couples, this figures out to about $23 per person a day. Contact Tony Hunt, The Redwoods, P.O. Box 2085, Wawona Station, Yosemite National Park, Calif. 95389. Telephone (209) 375-6666.

Half Moon

Vacationers traveling to Northern California might enjoy a night or two at a cheery B&B; called Mill Rose Inn at Half Moon Bay. Within walking distance of the ocean. Magnificent gardens. Guests compare it to an English country inn by the sea.

This isn’t your usual run-of-the-mill B&B.; Window boxes flow with flowers. Wrought-iron furniture in the garden. Stunning rooms/suites with European antiques, fireplaces, clawfoot tubs (big enough for two). Alas, luxury doesn’t come cheap. Rates range from $125 to $195 a night, including a champagne breakfast, fresh flowers, wine and cheese, chocolates, liqueurs, a morning newspaper. There’s also a secluded garden spa with robes/towels. Note: Smoking permitted in deck and garden areas only. Gift certificates available. Could make a nice honeymoon present.


Mill Rose Inn, 615 Mill St., Half Moon Bay, Calif. 94019. Telephone (415) 726-9794.

A Letter From Wales

Neil and Hilda Geggie write from Wales: “We had quite a few American visitors staying at our B&B; last year and really enjoyed having them. We hope that the dollar exchange rate does not put them off, as it is still possible to have a reasonably priced holiday in Britain--so long as you stay out of London! With this in mind, we have kept our prices the same as last year.

“We would love to welcome visitors to our B&B.; Our accommodations are modern. We are 15 minutes from historic Chester (England), 45 minutes from Manchester Airport. Our rates are 15 per person per night, including a double bedroom, private bath and sitting room with color TV, full breakfast.”

Write to Neil and Hilda Geggie, Chestnut Rise, 17 The Wigdale, Hawarden, Clwyd, North Wales CH5 3LL.


Recreational Vehicles

With prices sky-high overseas, here’s one way to beat the rap. Owners of recreational vehicles are swapping with owners in other countries. Makes for a rent-free vacation. You pay only for fuel. The automobile club and local foreign government tourist offices will supply road maps. Hosts overseas can assist with planning your itinerary. Choices of dozens of destinations. Plenty of inexpensive campgrounds listed. For details write to Bill and Betty Topping c/o International Camper Exchange, P.O. Box 947, North Bend, Wash. 98045. Note: Enclose a stamped, self-addressed No. 10 envelope.

New England

If New England is on your mind, you can write for a free copy of a 46-page, magazine-size guide that’s loaded with information. Items on Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont. Tells about New England’s historic sites, off-beat villages, lighthouses, clipper ships, jazz festivals. Details on airports, New England’s highway system, recreational vehicles, temperatures, etc.

Profiles on each of the states provides good background. Examples: New Hampshire’s Lake Sunapee region, the mansions of Newport, R.I. (including world-famous Breakers, Marble House and Rosecliff), Vermont’s post card village of Woodstock, Boston and Cape Cod in Massachusetts, the charming coastal town of Kennebunkport in Maine, Mystic Seaport in Connecticut. In the back of the book you’ll find dozens of useful addresses (tourism offices, chambers of commerce, convention and visitors bureaus).


For a copy of New England U.S.A., call toll-free (800) 847-4863 or write c/o 76 Summer St., Boston 02110.

Biking Russia

Byron Reed, the impresario of Open Road Bicycle Tours, has been trying for years to gain approval to lead a biker holiday in the Soviet Union. Evidently glasnost is working because Reed is preparing to do a 19-day trip north from Moscow to Leningrad and on to Helsinki, Finland. Bikers will jet to Moscow, bicycle as far as Helsinki and return by train to Moscow for the flight back to the United States. Luggage will be transported by van. Reed says they’ll rack up about 300 miles a day. Land cost, including bicycle rental, is $1,850.

Details from International Bicycle Tours, 12 Mid Place, Chappaqua, N.Y. 10514. Telephone (914) 238-4576.


Readers scheduling trips to Australia during that country’s bicentennial this year have expressed interest in adventure trips. Particularly to the Great Barrier Reef, that 1,250-mile wall of coral off the Queensland coast. Visitors are provided shelter on the reef islands of Heron, Beddarra, Dunk, Orpheus and Lizard. These are mostly small, uncrowded resorts with spectacular seafood.

A pair of old sneakers will protect you as you walk across coral floors to study marine life in the island’s tidal pools. Some of the world’s fascinating snorkeling is offered in the reef waters. Schools of parrotfish, trumpet fish, coral trout. More than 1,000 other species make their homes in these waters. For vacationers heading for Australia here are several sources to help with your plans--both at the Great Barrier Reef and other adventure destinations.

--Poseidon Venture Tours, 359 San Miguel Drive, Newport Beach, Calif. 92660. Call (714) 644-5344 or, outside California, toll-free (800) 854-9334. Poseidon does dive tours along the Great Barrier Reef.


--South Pacific Travel Market, Inc., 1448 15th St., Suite 105, Santa Monica, Calif. 90404-2756. Telephone toll-free (800) 445-0190 (California), (800) 551-2012 (outside California) or (213) 393-8262. Reef cruises, scuba and game fishing. South Pacific also arranges for balloon tours, river trips, safaris.

--Wilderness Travel, 801 Allston Way, Berkeley, Calif. 94710. Telephone (415) 548-0420 or, outside the state, toll-free (800) 247-6700. Adventure tours for groups (10 to 12 persons) to the Great Barrier Reef for snorkeling, swimming, bird watching.

--South Pacific Tour Planners, 25201 Paseo de Alicia, Suite 111, Laguna Hills, Calif. 92653. Call toll-free (800) 624-7926 or (714) 837-4981. Outside California, dial (800) 421-3197. Tours of the Great Barrier Reef, trips to the Australian outback. Other tours with camper vans.

--World Expeditions, 291 Geary St., Suite 619, San Francisco 94102. Call (415) 362-1046 or, outside California, toll-free (800) 541-3600. Hot-air ballooning, bush walks, riding, sailing, scuba diving, river rafting, sea kayaking.

--Continental Newmans Vacations, Suite 309, 10351 Santa Monica Blvd., West Los Angeles 90025. Telephone toll-free (800) 252-2560 or (213) 277-0772. Outside California it’s (800) 525-2560. This company provides four-wheel-drive and motor-coach tours into the Australian outback. Tents, camping equipment provided.

--Australian Pacific Tours, 5689 Whitnall Highway, North Hollywood, Calif. 91601. Telephone toll-free (800) 227-5401 (California), (800) 821-9513 (outside the state) or (818) 895-5616. Motor-coach tours, camping safaris.


--Pacific Exploration Company, Box 3042-D, Santa Barbara, Calif. 93130. Telephone (805) 687-7282. Custom itineraries for hikers. Walks average 8-10 miles a day. Accommodations in hotels, lodges, national parks and bush camps.

For general information on travel to Australia, contact the Australian Tourist Commission, 2121 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 1200, Los Angeles 90067. Telephone (213) 552-1988.
