
West Covina : Replacement Trustee Sought

The West Covina school board, left one member short after Tim Irwin resigned Feb. 8, is accepting applications for a replacement to serve the remainder of his term, which expires in April, 1989.

Applications must be submitted to the district office or any school office by Friday.

Irwin resigned a week before the decision was made to close Edgewood High School, Hollencrest and Willowood intermediate schools and Cortez Elementary School. The board has until the second week in May to fill the vacancy.

“It would be nice to have it filled as soon as possible,” said board member William J. Brutocao.


The four board members will screen applicants to decide whom to interview. A special board meeting is scheduled Monday to start the interviews.

The new board member cannot vote for 30 days after being selected. During that time, community members can object to the appointment.
