
Keep Up Coverage of Nursing Shortage

I must compliment Times staff writer Mary Barber and the newspaper for running an article (March 16) about the nursing shortage in the San Gabriel Valley.

Barber used a limited amount of space to explain the reasons for the nursing shortage and approach the issue from several viewpoints: nursing instructor, nursing students, practicing registered nurses, nursing recruiters and administrators.

I must say that the nursing instructors interviewed were good choices. Ms. De Queiros and Dr. Williams were two of my teachers when I attended Pasadena City College school of nursing from 1977 to 1979.


I am now a practicing registered nurse in the San Fernando Valley. I could tell the public firsthand exactly what the shortage is doing to the quality of health care in California (as well as the mental health of the nurse).

Please keep up the coverage on this timely and important issue. I thank you, my fellow nurses thank you, and the public who receives health care should thank you.


South Pasadena
