
Oliphant on Degrees

Oliphant points out what a motivated student can learn by reading despite not having attended college. However, think of what a motivated student can learn by attending college, doing the required reading, challenging and being challenged by the ideas of professors and other students, writing essays that require original thought, taking part in plays, working on the student newspaper, participating in student government, and interacting with students from other social, racial and cultural backgrounds. Also, Oliphant does not address the case of students who do not know what field they wish to pursue. How can they better decide than by taking various subjects, sampling different college activities, and taking advantage of career counseling services?

A college education need not be unaffordable. Most colleges provide financial aid, scholarships, loans, and work-study programs for students with limited finances, and local community colleges are a bargain.

Let’s hope that the growing adoption of achievement testing does not encourage young people to bypass traditional college education and the opportunities it provides for self-definition and social development as well as the cognitive growth attainable by reading.



