
Seeking Their Due

It is obvious coverage in the Valley for The Times is quite biased. Your headline regarding the City Section 3-A Division boys’ volleyball final seems irrelevant and a slap in the face to my team. Like the coach at Reseda High, I was also missing two starters and one All-City player from last year. Yet, I looked for no excuses nor offered any.

I certainly don’t pretend to say that Reseda wasn’t the better team that day. After all, they won so easily, as was so aptly pointed out. Anyone who knows anything about volleyball could see that. With scores like 17-15, 15-13 and 16-14, one can see the true dominance that was pointed out in this article. The only one-sided game was the second, which Bell won, 15-4. Note that dominance.

It’s too bad that you didn’t list any of the Bell players’ names or ask me any questions about their performance. If anyone had, readers might have realized that George Lynch had 32 kills and 14 blocks, and Cesar Uballe had 30 kills and 16 blocks.



Volleyball Coach

Bell High
