
Local News in Brief : Doughnuts Removed

Hostess-brand chocolate-covered doughnuts were removed from three Whittier high schools Monday after students complained that the frosting burned their tongues and caused nausea, but bakery officials said the product just tasted bad.

“We believe it is a possible quality problem and not a health problem. But to be extra careful, we’re in the process of replacing those products now,” said Cathy Dunkin, a spokeswoman for Ralston-Purina Corp., owner of Hostess Cakes and Pastries.

Hostess has distributed thousands of the “Gem” doughnuts statewide, and the only complaints have come from the Whittier high schools, Dunkin said. Hostess plans to test the doughnuts removed from Whittier, California and La Serna high schools to see what caused the problem.


Whittier High School junior James McGehee said he knew something was wrong with his doughnut on the second bite.

“My tongue kind of tingled, then you could taste, like, Raid,” the 16-year-old said. “I spit it out, then threw my pack away.”

The code number for the doughnuts is 538164 and the sell date is June 18.
