
Neon Signs in MacArthur Park

I write to correct several facts in the article on the restoration of the neon signs around MacArthur Park written by Steve Harvey (Metro, Aug. 1).

As dean of the Otis Art Institute of Parsons School of Design and vice president of the MacArthur Park Foundation, I am indeed proud of the changes that have taken place in MacArthur Park and its surrounding community because of the college’s involvement.

However, in his article, Harvey seems to attribute the initial idea and ultimate fund-raising for the neighborhood’s neon restoration to Al Nodal. While Nodal was the director of exhibitions at Otis/Parsons (not the director of the college as the story states), he was in charge of directing the college’s MacArthur Park Public Art Project.


However, there were a great many people who also worked very hard on this project.

The initial idea of relighting the neighborhood’s neon signs was that of Alexis Smith, one of the artists chosen to do site-specific work in the park as part of the original Public Art Project. Smith’s site works deal specifically with Raymond Chandler quotes and images and include the viewing of the restored neon signs from each of her pieces. I would hate for her not to get full credit for her wonderful idea.

Another point is that Nodal did not raise the $200,000 for the project by himself “by patching together federal and local grants” as your story implies. These funds were raised by the Otis Art Institute.

Nodal certainly was a great help with these fund-raising efforts, but, as anyone knows, no one raises this kind of money without a sophisticated development and grant-writing staff. It took many dedicated staff hours to decide upon projects toward which we should dedicate our fund-raising efforts, keep track of expenses and do final reporting.


I should also add that all of the design elements and publications of the Park Project were done by Otis/Parsons faculty and students.

It took a great deal of forethought and courage to make this Park Project successful. The college recently being awarded a Presidential Recognition Award for Community Involvement for this project speaks to the kind of environment we have created.


Dean, Otis Art Institute

of Parsons School of Design

Los Angeles
