
The House

Manassas Battlefield Park

By a vote of 307 to 98, the House passed and sent to the Senate a bill (HR 4526) authorizing the federal government to acquire 542 privately owned acres next to Manassas National Battlefield Park at an unspecified cost.

The Civil War’s Second Battle of Manassas in 1862 occurred on and near the northern Virginia site, which will be developed as a shopping mall if not federally protected.

Supporter Robert J. Mrazek (D-N.Y.) said soldiers buried at the site “are owed more than having their graves paved over with a Burger King or a Bloomingdale’s.”


Opponent Ron Marlenee (R-Mont.) said: “I object to . . . the U.S. Congress being used to settle a local land zoning dispute.”

Members voting yes favored federal protection of the Manassas tract.

How They Voted Yea Nay No vote Rep. Anderson (D) X Rep. Dornan (R) X Rep. Dreier (R) X Rep. Dymally (D) X Rep. Hawkins (D) X Rep. Martinez (D) X Rep. Torres (D) X

Free Trade Pact

By a vote of 366 to 40, the House passed a bill (HR 5090) implementing the U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement, a newly negotiated pact to phase out all tariffs and dismantle many other trade barriers between the North American neighbors.


Despite the many protectionist measures each country has layered on over the years to safeguard its industries, Canada and the United States have emerged as the world’s most prolific pair of trading partners, exchanging more than $166 billion in goods and services last year.

The U.S. Senate and the Canadian Parliament also must approve the agreement.

Supporter Philip M. Crane (R-Ill.) said there is “vast potential for economic expansion and growth under this historic agreement.”

Opponent Olympia J. Snowe (R-Me.) complained that pact negotiators “have run roughshod over the agriculture and natural resource industries in my state. . . .”


Members voting yes want the trade agreement implemented.

How They Voted Yea Nay No vote Rep. Anderson (D) X Rep. Dornan (R) X Rep. Dreier (R) X Rep. Dymally (D) X Rep. Hawkins (D) X Rep. Martinez (D) X Rep. Torres (D) X

HUD Budget

By a vote of 373 to 30, the House approved the conference report on a $59.4-billion fiscal 1989 appropriations bill (HR 4800) for the Department of Housing and Urban Development and agencies such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Environmental Protection Agency and Veterans Administration.

While funding scores of existing housing, environmental, scientific and veterans programs, the bill also provides money for a major new venture--the manned space station--and kills the Urban Development Action Grant program favored by city revitalization officials.

Supporter Bob Traxler (D-Mich.) called the bill “the best we could (do) under very difficult economic circumstances. . . .”

Opponent Robert S. Walker (R-Pa.) complained that the bill exceeds President Reagan’s budget request by $719 million.

Members voting yes supported the bill.

How They Voted Yea Nay No vote Rep. Anderson (D) X Rep. Dornan (R) X Rep. Dreier (R) X Rep. Dymally (D) X Rep. Hawkins (D) X Rep. Martinez (D) X Rep. Torres (D) X
