
Cal Thomas on ‘Christ’ Film

Thank you for the refreshing and insightful column by Thomas.

In the midst of the efforts by the faithful to protect their Messiah from any critical review, I am continually amazed by one thing that does not seem to have been brought into the front lines of this affair.

Namely, how fragile must be their hold on such a belief system, that a mere work of art can generate such vocal and visible debate. Is the strength of this leader so delicate and fragile that 2,000 years of belief can be tested and found threatened by this film?

The silliness of the protests have succeeded in one part of their mission in that I will not be attending any of the screenings of this film. Not because it would offend my manner of belief or disbelief, but because I know the ways of believers enough to stay out of theaters where violence can be brought about by such people.


We cannot allow ourselves to become intimidated by the hysteria of narrow-minded zealots. That’s why I’m glad I created VCR technology on about the 11th day or so.


San Fernando
