
ROSSINI: ARIAS. Raul Gimenez, tenor; Scottish Chamber...

ROSSINI: ARIAS. Raul Gimenez, tenor; Scottish Chamber Orchestra conducted by Michelangelo Veltri. Nimbus NI-5106 (compact disc). The Argentine-born Gimenez joins the diminishing ranks of “tenore di grazia” with this ambitious recital of 11 selections, ranging from “Il Barbiere di Siviglia” to “Otello,” “Tancredi,” “La Pietra del Paragone,” “L’Occasione fa il Ladro,” “L’Italiana in Algeri” and “La Cenerentola.” Gimenez dispatches this arduous repertory with a light, silvery instrument, a genuine trill, a judicious deployment of vibrato, uncommon flexibility except at the extreme top and a theatrical flair that would make him welcome in any opera house. Less winning are the slight nasality of the voice and a tendency to gulp for breath at the expense of the melodic line. Veltri accompanies stalwartly.
