
On Chin

Chin’s letter chastising David Henry Hwang was personal and vile.

Interpretation of facts and realities is a playwright’s task. No one is the final authority on what is Chinese, anymore than anyone can be on what is anything.

Nationally, there are, at best, 12 Chinese-American playwrights. Funnel us into the surplus of all playwrights, factor in the ratio of plays written to the number produced, demographics of audiences and producers, sphere of interest and ability to sustain economically and emotionally while writing on speculation, and you have an idea of how many of our plays reach the stage.

The victory of a Chinese-American playwright winning a Tony award is unprecedented. It is a vote of acceptance and appreciation. To have such a savage, public slaying of one, by another, is grievous. Such “support” would turn anybody white.



Los Angeles
