
Mike Tyson Is Involved in Car Accident

Associated Press

Mike Tyson was involved in another car accident Thursday, when his 1988 Lincoln was hit by another car trying to get around a stalled vehicle, but the heavyweight champion wasn’t driving at the time.

No one was injured in the accident, which police described as a minor fender-bender that slightly damaged the door of Tyson’s car. Tyson’s longtime friend, Rory Holloway, was at the wheel, with promoter Don King riding along, when the accident occurred shortly before 10 a.m.

The driver of the other car, Michael Credico, a Las Vegas waiter, was cited for making an illegal turn, a $100 fine.


The heavyweight champion signed autographs for motorists and police while he and King waited for another vehicle to pick them up. “It was just bad luck,” said Credico, who called Tyson “a helluva nice guy.”
