
Homeless Funds

I want to clarify your article “United Way Assails Distribution of U.S. Funds for the Homeless” (Metro, Jan. 5). During the press conference and subsequent media contacts on Jan. 4, the point was made that I was speaking as the chair of the Local Emergency Food and Shelter Board, which is responsible for the distribution of $4 million in federal funds earmarked for this program in Los Angeles County, and not in my position as president of United Way.

As chair, my comments reflected the sentiment of the Emergency Food and Shelter Board and not necessarily those of the United Way.

Quickly now the Emergency Food and Shelter Board will meet to discuss what actions will be required to increase Los Angeles County’s share of Emergency Food and Shelter Program funds. More than likely the United Way along with other partners on the Emergency Food and Shelter Board will be asked for support. And, I am confident support will be forthcoming.




Emergency Food

and Shelter Board

Los Angeles
