
Girl Shot by Father as He Cleans Gun

A 1-year-old girl was shot and wounded Thursday in what her father told police was an accident that occurred as he was cleaning his gun, authorities said.

The girl’s injuries were not considered serious, but she was taken to County-USC Medical Center with a number of small pellet wounds to the right side of her neck, jaw and shoulder, Detective John Munguia said.

The shooting occurred shortly before noon in an apartment at 325 W. Avenue 38 in the Montecito Heights area, Munguia said.


The father told police that he was sitting on a couch with his daughter about an arm’s length away as he cleaned a six-shot chrome-plated revolver, Munguia said.

The weapon was loaded with bullets containing pellets called snake shot, Munguia said.

As he was cleaning the gun, it accidentally went off, wounding the child, the father told police.

The names of the man and his daughter were not released.
