
Robbie Conal: Guerrilla Artist or Litterbug?

Despite the fact he’s a scofflaw who owes the City of Los Angeles $1,300 for illegally plastering his political posters on public and private property around town, The Times is making a folk hero out of Robbie Conal’Guerrilla Artist’ Robbie Conal Strikes Again,” by Nicole Atkinson, July 20).

Why shouldn’t young people ignore the law and desecrate property when the city’s newspaper of record treats it lightly?

Of course, if Conal’s posters had lampooned icons of the left such as Dukakis, Kennedy, Jesse Jackson or Jerry Brown instead of Republicans, The Times’ treatment would not have been the amused “naughty boy” image created for Conal.


Conal should rent space in a gallery like other artists, and if he and his friends want to enhance the city, they should use their energies to pick up litter, not create it.


Thousand Oaks
