
Cutting Funds for Those Who Help Illegal Aliens

“Welcome to Costa Mesa, the city without compassion.

“Welcome, that is, if you are a U.S. citizen or if you have a green card. If not, get out of here.

“You work here? For less than the minimum wage? You cut our grass, clean our houses, take care of our babies? For how much per hour?

“Well, in that case, come on in. You contribute to our economic well-being. Many bucks stay in our pockets.


“But look here: If you get laid off or get sick and can’t work, don’t come around asking for handouts. You need food, clothing or shelter: Forget it. In that case, get out of Costa Mesa.”

This dialogue goes through my mind as I drive in and out of Costa Mesa and see the Welcome to Costa Mesa signs.

Now I not only have the stigma of living in Orange County, renowned for electing bigoted right-wing politicians, but also the shame of living in Costa Mesa, the city without compassion.



Costa Mesa
