
SAN CLEMENTE : Officials Seek Help With City Face-Lift

City officials are looking for volunteers to serve on an advisory committee that will oversee the face-lift of major historic sites and entry points to the seaside community.

The panel will work with a consultant being paid $50,000 by the City Council to create a master plan for San Clemente. The effort will include revamping one-time focal points of the city, most built in the 1920s, that have been lost in a sea of post-World War II development.

Among the areas targeted for renewal are the Ole Hanson Beach Club and Southampton banquet hall near Avenida Pico; Max Berg Plaza Park and its entryway street of El Portal, and Avenida Del Mar as it approaches the San Clemente Pier. Freeway entrance points to the city also are due for improvements. People with backgrounds in urban design and related fields are encouraged to apply, city officials said. The deadline is 5 p.m. Nov. 8. Call City Hall at 361-8200 for information.
