
‘Day-Care Dilemma’ Was Accurately Told

I read with special interest “Day Care Dilemma” (Nov. 1). You accurately depicted a problem with which the County of Los Angeles is successfully coping. The county is a major employer in Southern California. As such it has the same concerns as any other major employer in assisting its workers to meet their family obligations.

Thus far the county has: opened two day-care centers with a licensed capacity for 156 infants and preschoolers (East Los Angeles, Sylmar); developed plans for opening four additional centers (Torrance, Downey, Alhambra, Civic Center); provided leadership and networking opportunities to businesses, labor and the community through the Child Care Advisory Board and the child Care Resources Committee; implemented telecommuting and alternative work schedules; instituted flexible benefit plans which allow employees to set aside up to $400 per month tax free to pay for dependent care services.

Issues of recruitment and retention of a skilled work force and productivity are of great importance in the public sector.



Los Angeles
