
Antonovich’s View on the NEA Controversy

I feel my rights and freedom of thought are being chipped away by the narrow-minded minority--the likes of the NEA, the Jesse Helmses, the anti-choicers, the William Dannemeyers, the George Deukmejians, San Diego bishops, New York cardinals, “ ad infinauseam.

The issues of artistic freedom and expression, the rights of women to decide what they are allowed to do with their bodies, the lack of care and response to the catastrophic epidemic of AIDS are no small items of agenda at the beginning of the ‘90s.

America seems to be closing up--what has happened to us? I need answers. No longer can I afford to be quiet and complaisant. I’m mad and I’m not going to take it anymore. It’s time to become involved in these issues and be counted before it’s too late.


Santa Monica
