
Bush and Gorbachev’s Malta Summit

In that meeting between President George Bush and Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, the Cold War was buried forever. Hard-line anti-communists don’t want to admit this, for then they wouldn’t have anyone to hate. But it’s all over.

Now the United States and the Soviet Union can engage in a partnership. The first thing to do is to cut back drastically on conventional and nuclear weapons and to make a sincere multinational attempt to ban the production of chemical weapons.

The Pentagon plans to spend $303 billion in 1990. Never should we allow it to spend that amount. There are so many positive things we can do with that money. One thing we can do is to send economic aid to Russia. We are sending aid to Hungary and Poland. Why not Russia? Perestroika is in danger of failing. We can’t let it fail. For if perestroika fails, it will not only affect Russia, it will affect our country also.


Los Angeles
