
Sheldon--’Free Agent for God’

I am writing to commend Times staff writer Eric Lichtblau for his enlightening article about Sheldon. Lichtblau’s article points out not only the “flaws” in Sheldon’s character that make him a questionable voice for God, but also the reasons why even leaders of the religious right oppose him. Sheldon is not alone (unfortunately) in the way he mixes politics and religion.

The impact of Sheldon’s type of gay-hating hysteria is tragic. In the name of God, and without regard to the devastating impact of his words and actions, he feels good about teaching young gay men and lesbians to feel ashamed of who they are. The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force catalogued a record 7,248 incidents of hate crimes towards gay people during 1988 ranging from harassment to homicide. This statistic does not take into account the increase in gay and lesbian teen-age suicides. I cannot help but hold Sheldon, and others like him, directly responsible for the increase in violence toward, and suicide among gay men and lesbians.

Children and young people listen to what adults say. Sadly, some of them believe what they hear and end up hurting (or killing) themselves or others. I believe that it is Sheldon’s peculiar brand of homophobia (although Sheldon states that he is not homophobic) that destroys families, not homosexuality.


Lichtblau’s excellent article emphasizes the need for our society and its institutions to denounce political/religious charlatans like Sheldon and speak out for truth and justice. Gay men and lesbians are people too, and in my belief, we are all God’s children. Education is the only lasting weapon against bigotry.


Founding Director

Lesbian & Gay Public Awareness Project

Los Angeles
