
The Manager’s View

In regards to Barbara Marcus’ Nov. 26 letter on noisy children at movie theaters, having been a manager for a theater chain I would like to say I agree there should exist some sort of policy that would prevent small children from being allowed to watch certain films.

During my three years as a manager I encountered several parents who insisted on disrupting screenings by allowing their children to run down the aisles or scream and cry. I would politely ask these parents to control their children’s actions, only to hear that they paid for their admission and were entitled to watch the film as they pleased.

I believe that theaters should not allow very young children and infants to attend movies, except for, perhaps, films that are intended for young audiences, such as the Disney classics.


Dr. Joseph Herman stated in his Dec. 10 letter that Marcus “ . . . perhaps, as a child, spent too many nights at home in a crib with a sitter instead of enjoying the company of loving parents.” Dr. Herman should be concerned about the children who are raised in an unsupervised environment, rather than theorizing about Marcus’ childhood.


