
A Haven for Gay Teens

I only want to dispute Lou Sheldon’s remark that the program should be ended because it does not give the gay student “any other alternative viewpoint.”

I realize this man is no Einstein, but give me a break. When we are constantly bombarded by half-naked heterosexual couples selling us everything from suppositories to life insurance, I believe there are enough suggestions of alternative life styles. With 3,000 teen-agers getting pregnant every day in this country, I’d say the life style message is loud and clear.

I do agree with Sheldon when he asks, “Why should taxpayer’s dollars support only one life style?” Right on. I hope to see the man in the forefront of an equal taxation law where, married or not, we all get the same breaks.


This society is geared to the heterosexual, and we are not allowed to forget it for a minute.


Los Angeles
