
STATE : Student Held in Aiding Suicide

<i> From Times Staff and Wire Service Reports</i>

A man who allegedly paid a college student to kill him by running him down with a subcompact car in a strange murder for hire had made similar requests before, police said today.

Officers were unsure why Graham Glickfeld, 31, a supermarket worker, wanted to die.

Michael K. Doeschot, 27, a student at San Jose State University, was arraigned Wednesday on a first-degree murder charge and was held without bail.

Detective Ken Bingaman said the two men, acquaintances from a theater class at a local community college, attended a Christmas party separately Friday night, and at 11:55 p.m. police responded to a report of a “man down” in a parking lot.


The arrangement between the two men “probably took place within a couple hours,” said Sgt. Mike Eads. Bingaman also said officers were looking into the possibility that both men had been drinking.
